Saturday, October 6, 2018

~ SevenSevenSeven ~

~  Seven Paragraphs, Seven Steps, Seven Methods ~

Dear Folks,

This letter explains the Peace Project and urges each of you to share your brilliance, time, and support so the Project will succeed.

The list of problems facing us Humans is very long indeed, and there's a consensus that we'd best work hard to get our survival act together or we may not make it to the end of the century. Our job is to make sure we do arrive at 2100 with the most critical issues resolved, thus continuing to exist well beyond that date with bright collective futures.

That said, we present the seven most important paragraphs, which include "how we get to 2100 and beyond" instructions as well as "harsh warning" statements, all taken from the third letter I wrote to Mr. Trump.

Two days ago, I had a long conversation with a dear friend who for years has helped me travel the internet and avoid many entanglements in that very complicated web of electrons. He is a very good listener and was kind enough to hear me share a rather lengthy explanation of the Global Peace Event being held in Dubuque, Iowa, in late Summer or early Fall, 2020. As you remember from your last visit, Dubuque is right next to Peosta.

The Event has three separate purposes: A convention because Folks will be gathering for the sake of discussing methods of developing peace; a festival because Folks are coming from all over the world bringing their arts, music, clothing, and culture; and finally, a celebration because there will be Folks arriving from communities that are already quite harmonious and egalitarian. No doubt much can be learned from that group. 

My friend listened carefully to that news as well as a shorter summary of the next steps we'll be taking as The Project proceeds:

1. Continue to develop our multi-purpose publication, the Peaceful Towne Beacon, which now has a new slogan: "Chronicle of Amelioration".
2. Revitalize my MillerIsPresident blog site, thus continue being president of the United States virtually on the magically mysterious web.
3. Organize the Global Peace Event, as explained above.
4. Continue to plan a smaller convention in December or January, perhaps in a more balmy part of the country, during which we shall examine human rights documents written throughout history, collect the critical, brilliant parts of each, and then develop, if you will, a New Magna Carta modernized for the New Millennium.
5. Develop a new organization called the Wise Person Cooperative, which is based not only on the fascinating concept of the level playing field, but also on the delightful concept of the body politic, which unlike those grotesquely warped words "politics, political, and politician", simply means "related to the Citizen".
6. Develop a similarly named organization called the Wise Person Consortium.
7. Choose a date in 2020 on which I'll begin my actual campaign for president of the United States, running as a complete independent, perhaps calling our organization the Thoughtful People's Cooperative, a term which will please the Citizens who've know all along "they've never really been invited to the parties."

Now for the bad news: My Vietnam savior, who will be called "BL", and I are both pilots so we're quite familiar with airplane checklists, those pages of procedures for addressing bad news, those complicated circumstances with which Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington, in Sully and Flight respectively, were quite familiar. Having run your own airline, Mr. Trump, I''m sure you're familiar with checklists and may still have a few of them in your boxes of memorabilia.

Over the years, BL and I developed different checklists presenting critical issues facing humanity, prioritizing them in order of urgency as well as attaching to each issue procedures for addressing the problem. When I recently wrote that the first three on my personal EEC – Earth Emergency Checklist – are Earth Abuse, Nuclear Weapons, and Education, BL responded with, "No, switch the first two. Death by nukes can start within an hour. Death by planet abuse takes longer. And don't pretty up the third. Call it ignorance." Later he sent a hand-written letter in which he elaborated on his own EEC and issued this warning, which I've italicized:

Funny, we agree on all three, and they all involve heat. Nukes turn people into sparks, and if the world's temperature rises fast, say, up to 250 or so, then we're done. Lots of barbecue experts use that temp for roasting pigs. But, my dear friend, ignorance is probably what will get us all. You might say that kind of like pig roasting, ignorance is the most dangerous of the three in the long run. And the heat of ignorance comes from the red faces of people when they figure out they don't know something. Then they have to decide to fix their ignorance or stay stupid.

I wrote back, "Yes, you're right, ignorance can be eliminated through education, but stupidity is sometimes permanent. As a matter fact, look at the word 'education'. If you remember, my favorite teacher ever, my Latin One Professor at Lake Forest, taught us that 'e- or ex-' means out, and 'duco' means lead. Who knew? And you're right, stupidity leads nowhere."

Yes, we hope you are willing to share your brilliance and your time so the Project succeeds. Again, the critical steps ahead are seven:
  1. Peaceful Towne Beacon.
  2. Miller Is President.
  3. Global Peace Event.
  4. Small Winter Event.
  5. Wise People Consortium.
  6. Wise People Cooperative.
  7. Launch Date.
 Also, we would appreciate your investing in the Project, considering seven methods of doing so:
  1. Become a Scribe for the Peaceful Towne Beacon. A buck a week. $52.00 per year.
  2. Purchase signed copy of Mary Reynolds Powell's book World of Hurt. $25.00.
  3. Purchase tickets to both conventions. $25.00 per ticket.
  4. Join Wise Person Consortium: 100.00 once.
  5. Join Wise Person Cooperative: Free.
  6. Enroll in Peace Engineering School. $1200.00 per year, with each year divided into trimesters, as if we are Rebirthing both ourselves and the Earth.
  7. Invest in both conventions, especially the Spring Event for which we intend to raise $5,000,000, two and a half times the amount the Folks raised for Woodstock.
We thank you in advance for your kind generosity!
 Critical times these are.
Please contact us as soon as you are able.

John H. Miller
Peace Engineering, Inc.
P.O. Box 3037, Dubuque, Iowa 52004
< >  563-564-6221

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