Saturday, January 9, 2021

~ Twelve Again ~

Part One:

When you count from today through 11:59 P.M. on January 20th, the total number of days is twelve. Yes, the last post was also about twelve, about developing twelve words that are hoped to be sublime. Contrasting the joy within the Twelve Days of Christmas with the deep sorrow within this set of days, we term them the Twelve Days of Limbo, and as we move toward the 20th we shall elaborate on that concept.

Part Two:

This is the first post I've published since July 15th, 2019, a time when rather serious personal drama arrived, which was quickly followed by the invasion of Covid-19, unfortunately still a vicious creature alive, well, and murderous.

Then, just when we suppose things couldn't get worse, new Days of Rage arrive, demonstrators storm and enter the Capitol Building where they continue their rampage that is well described here:

My sentence and the link are just a very short introduction to the events, although I add that Mr. Trump's Tweet of December 19th seems ominous: "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, be wild!" Sadly, as Ashli Babbit discovered, the demonstrators became invaders who were indeed quite wild.

Part Three:

What ought we do? Perhaps we should take a longer view of the Human Parade, both in making predictions about the future and drawing conclusions about the past; thus jumping from a Trump Tweet through a short but still monstrously criminal insurrection to the "certain collapse" of our nation is rather shortsighted brain work. Better would be to remain optimistic and suppose we can continue the global process of amelioration that may result in extending the life of our species and many others. And the past? At very least, travel back to the year 1935 when Adolf Hitler was strutting about in full military regalia and Sinclair Lewis wrote a book called It Can't Happen Here, his version of fascism arriving in the good ol' U.S. of A. Read and see if president-elect Senator Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip's machinations seem familiar. Then if you wish to avoid shortsightedness altogether, grab your Bible of choice, start with Adam & Eve, then page by page view the Parade for the sake of understanding Human Behavior. Less expensive than a degree in Anthropology, I suppose.

Part Four:

Short supposition about the future: Perhaps the election for Mayor of Dubuque is in November, 2021, perhaps the incumbent will not seek office again, and perhaps I'll seek the position myself, setting aside more preparation time than I did in 2017. Stay tuned.

Contact Information:

PO Box 3037, Dubuque, Iowa, 52004
Email: 1., 2., which comes directly to both phones.
Cell: 563-564-6221, voicemail, texting.
Land line: Ringer off, no voicemail, no texting, only use for outbound calls, 563-557-5821.

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